1 | Construction of Rural Roads under PMGSY vide Package No: CG 01-56 | PMGSY/ CGRRDA | 1615.56 | 2009-10 |
2 | Site leveling Works for augmentation of iron ore storage capacity of Visakhapatnam steel plant | RINL, VSP, Visakhapatnam | 1083.29 | 2010-11 |
3 | Construction of Rural Roads under PMGSY vide Package No: CG 01-109 | PMGSY/ CGRRDA | 830.87 | 2011-12 |
4 | Plant entrance Road to Integrated Steel Plant at Nagarnar (CG) | NMDC Ltd, CG | 348.20 | 2011-12 |
5 | Civil works for Augmentation of Iron Ore Storage Capacity Pertaining to Expansion of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant | Bridge & Roof Co(I) Ltd, VIZAG | 1829.28 | 2013-14 |
6 | Development of Earth work and other ancillary work in connection with development of MMLP | M/s CONCOR | 728 | 2013-14 |
7 | Civil works for drain works for Augmentation of Iron Ore Storage | Bridge & Roof , Vizag | 300 | 2014 |
8 | Construction of Rail Over Bridge (ROB) in between EPL 448A & EPL 479/A | CPWD | 1260.97 | 2014 |
9 | Construction of Alternate road from Deepanjali nagar to NTPC Plant at simhadri | NTPC Simhadri, Vizag | 272.40 | 2015 |
10 | Construction of Over head tank inside Township | NTPC, SIMHADRI | 140 | 2015 |
11 | Miscellaneous Civil works in RMHP Zone, Visakhapatnam steel plant | RINL, VSP | 520 | 2015 |
12 | Earth filling in low lying plots upto 1 Km/ 2 KM lead and barbed wire fencing around existing tank in S.E.Z rehabilitation layout dibbapalem colony, visakhapatnam | APIIC Ltd, Visakhapatnam | 238.04 | 2013 |
13 | Resurfacing of existing industrial bypass road from level crossing at newly constructed bridge to JP railway crossing | Visakhapatnam port Trust | 309.52 | 2016 |
14 | Formation of internal roads near 8th main road with 7 mts carriage way for length of 2 KM including black topping and cross drain,APSEZ, atchutapuram, VSKP | APIIC Ltd, Visakhapatnam | 382.70 | 2016 |
15 | Road work for structural mill(Zone-8) under BOF-3& CCM-4 area and associated facilities in SMS-02 complex at RINL, Visakhapatnam steel plant, Vizag | M/s. Bridge & Roof Co(I) Ltd | 226 | 2016 |
16 | Civil & Structural work pump house 7A &7B for blast furnace 2, visakhpatnam steel plant | M/s. Gillanders Arbuthnot Co Unit: MICCO | 560 | 2016 |
17 | Construction of 3 cell new cooling tower and re-vamping of existing 6 cell cooling towers in blast furnace-2, Visakhapatnam steel plant, Visakhapatnam | M/s. Gillanders Arbuthnot Co Unit: MICCO | 320 | 2016 |
18 | Construction of permanent roads bitumen topped roads, drain and culverts in main plant & offsite civil area at NTPC Simhadri | NTPC Ltd, Simhadri | 1389 | 2016 |
19 | Providing Service road on North Side of RCL(NHAI) junction to West of Essar Road Junction | Visakhaptnam port trust | 275 | 2017 |
20 | Widening and Strengthen of Narsipatnam-Devipatnam road from Km 30/0 to 45/240 in Visakhapatnam . | Roads and Building Department | 638.79 | 2017 |
21 | Civil works for cooling towers system for Turbo Blower 5 in Visakhapatnam steel plant , Visakhapatnam. | M/s. Fans Asia | 858 | 2017 |
22 | Construction of Roads and Drive ways at Patna LPG plant. Bihar | HPCL | 619 | 2017 |
23 | Construction of Roads and Drive ways at Panagarh LPG plant. West Bengal | HPCL | 1940 | 2018 |
24 | Strengthening of all level crossing except private siding at east yard &NH yard area. Visakhapatnam | VPT | 115 | 2018 |
25 | Construction of 1.5 MLD CETP | Atchutapuram Effluent Treatment Ltd | 3000 | 2019 |
26 | COnstrcution of steel loading platform, Chhattisgarh | NMDC Ltd | 1178 | 2020 |
28 | Formation of internal roads including SWD, culverts at MSME park in Penduthi, visakhapatnam | APIIC Ltd | 685 | 2020 |
27 | Roads & Drains at Rayagada LPG Plant, odisha | HPCL | 743 | 2021 |
30 | Construction of Non-pant building-Admin, amenity, TT crew room, horticulture | K Kumar Raja Projects Pvt Ltd(IOCL) | 1500 | 2022 |