Completed Projects

1Construction of Rural Roads under PMGSY vide Package No: CG 01-56PMGSY/ CGRRDA1615.562009-10
2Site leveling Works for augmentation of iron ore storage capacity of Visakhapatnam steel plantRINL, VSP,
3Construction of Rural Roads under PMGSY vide Package No: CG 01-109PMGSY/ CGRRDA830.872011-12
4Plant entrance Road to Integrated Steel Plant at Nagarnar (CG)NMDC Ltd, CG348.202011-12
5Civil works for Augmentation of Iron Ore Storage Capacity Pertaining to Expansion of Visakhapatnam Steel PlantBridge & Roof Co(I) Ltd,
6Development of Earth work and other ancillary work in connection with development of MMLPM/s CONCOR7282013-14
7Civil works for drain works for Augmentation of Iron Ore StorageBridge & Roof , Vizag3002014
8Construction of Rail Over Bridge (ROB) in between EPL 448A & EPL 479/A CPWD1260.972014
9Construction of Alternate road from Deepanjali nagar to NTPC Plant at simhadriNTPC Simhadri, Vizag272.402015
10Construction of Over head tank inside TownshipNTPC, SIMHADRI1402015
11Miscellaneous Civil works in RMHP Zone, Visakhapatnam steel plantRINL, VSP5202015
12Earth filling in low lying plots upto 1 Km/ 2 KM lead and barbed wire fencing around existing tank in S.E.Z rehabilitation layout dibbapalem colony, visakhapatnamAPIIC Ltd,
13Resurfacing of existing industrial bypass road from level crossing at newly constructed bridge to JP railway crossingVisakhapatnam port Trust309.522016
14Formation of internal roads near 8th main road with 7 mts carriage way for length of 2 KM including black topping and cross drain,APSEZ, atchutapuram, VSKPAPIIC Ltd,
15Road work for structural mill(Zone-8) under BOF-3& CCM-4 area and associated facilities in SMS-02 complex at RINL, Visakhapatnam steel plant, VizagM/s. Bridge & Roof Co(I) Ltd2262016
16Civil & Structural work pump house 7A &7B for blast furnace 2, visakhpatnam steel plantM/s. Gillanders Arbuthnot Co Unit: MICCO5602016
17Construction of 3 cell new cooling tower and re-vamping of existing 6 cell cooling towers in blast furnace-2, Visakhapatnam steel plant, VisakhapatnamM/s. Gillanders Arbuthnot Co Unit: MICCO3202016
18Construction of permanent roads bitumen topped roads, drain and culverts in main plant & offsite civil area at NTPC SimhadriNTPC Ltd,
19Providing Service road on North Side of RCL(NHAI) junction to West of Essar Road JunctionVisakhaptnam port trust2752017
20Widening and Strengthen of Narsipatnam-Devipatnam road from Km 30/0 to 45/240 in Visakhapatnam .Roads and Building Department638.792017
21Civil works for cooling towers system for Turbo Blower 5 in Visakhapatnam steel plant , Visakhapatnam.M/s. Fans Asia8582017
22Construction of Roads and Drive ways at Patna LPG plant. BiharHPCL6192017
23Construction of Roads and Drive ways at Panagarh LPG plant.
West Bengal
24Strengthening of all level crossing except private siding at east yard &NH yard area. VisakhapatnamVPT1152018
25Construction of 1.5 MLD CETPAtchutapuram Effluent Treatment Ltd30002019
26COnstrcution of steel loading platform, ChhattisgarhNMDC Ltd11782020
28Formation of internal roads including SWD, culverts at MSME park in Penduthi, visakhapatnamAPIIC Ltd6852020
27Roads & Drains at Rayagada LPG Plant, odishaHPCL7432021
30Construction of Non-pant building-Admin, amenity, TT crew room, horticultureK Kumar Raja Projects Pvt Ltd(IOCL)15002022